
Showing posts from February, 2020

Roblox Card 2020

You can hereby participate in a drawing to win the above card. One lucky winner will be selected every week at random. All entries will be raffled and electronically drawn every Sunday 10:00 PM EST. Winners will be notified by email and will also appear on our    . In case the minimum amount of participants will not be reached, the drawing will be postponed the following week, but you will retain your right to participate anyway, and you will be notified by email. Aqui, puedes partecipar en un sorteo para ganar la tarjeta de Roblox que se muestra arriba. Un afortunado ganador sera' seleccionado cada semana. La seleccion acontecera' electronicamente cada semana de Domingo a las 22:00 (horario de EspaƱa). Los ganadores recibiran la comunicacion en su eMail y tambien apareceran en nuestra   .    En caso de no alcanzar el numero minimo de participantes, el sorteo sera' posticipado de una semana, pero mantendras tu derecho de participar en la semana siguien